Friday, January 25, 2013

Top 10 Things Christians Say that Aren't in the Bible

Anyone that's spent a decent amount of time in Christian culture can identify some "Christianese" - language that we casually toss around among believers but any outsider would be hard pressed to know what we mean. For example -"I was so blessed by that song." or "I echo that prayer." If you need a good laugh, check out this video, Shoot Christians Say.

All in good fun, we are offering our Top 10 Things Christians Say that Aren't in the Bible.

1. God took him/her home because he needed another flower in His garden.
While sweetly intended, I don't know any grieving person that would find comfort in God taking someone they loved so that He can have another sunflower. Also, why is it comforting that we become potted plants after we die? Yikes.

2. God will not give you more than you can handle.
Have you ever read the account of Abraham and Isaac? In what planet is that bearable for a parent? Mental illness? War? Tragedy?

3. God helps those who help themselves.
Actually, Republicans say that.

4. Where two or more are gathered, there He will be also...
This actually is biblical, it comes right from Matthew 18, but context is key - the passage is talking about church discipline. Check it out. We tend to use this passage to say if two or more are gathered then we can confidently know God is here with us. Don't worry, you can talk to God when you're alone, too.

5. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
The ultimate Christian sports team t-shirt verse. Again, let's look context - Paul is talking about some pretty extreme suffering conditions, namely that he can be in plenty or want and do it all through Christ who gives him strength. But if any of you find a secret strategy to running faster or jumping higher because of this verse, let us know!

6. The safest place to be is the center of God's will
I guess this one depends on how you interpret "safe"...but all of the disciples were martyred. We'll concede to C.S. Lewis' quote in Narnia for this one, "He's not safe, but he's good."
7. Let go, let God
In all fairness, sometimes we can get in the way of what God is doing and need to let Him be God. More often than not, however, this is quoted after something doesn't go well & we don't want to take responsibility.

8. Jesus is my boyfriend.
No, he's not. That's kinda weird.
9. When God closes a door, He opens a window.
Does God have a plan for us and know what's best for us? Yes. Does God enjoy making us crawl through small spaces? I doubt it.

10. Love the sinner, hate the sin.
Let us know how that conversation goes with your non-Christian friends...Instead let's just love them and let the Holy Spirit do His job in turning them toward Jesus & sanctifying them.

1 comment:

  1. heheh, I am so glad you ended up putting this post together since you mentioned it at the Mellis' house! ;) lots of good ones covered here. I've never heard #8 said but that's really weird! my fave is #2, I was told this by my leader in high school and later learned how so out of context it is! good post friends ;)
